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Abe.illinois.gov mid point report Form: What You Should Know

An online portal to manage your welfare benefits and appeals. Note:Ā  A Mid-Point Report or Redetermination is redetermined every 12 months, but a case is not redetermined until the interim MR #16.05 isĀ  completed in February at the beginning of that month. Illinois's new online ABE system will be fully implemented in 2025 for its 9 million residents. When a person receives a Mid-Point Report or Redetermination, the person may also view how they fared during a given year by logging onto the new online ABE portal. Midpoints ā€” The person receives a Mid-Point Report or Redetermination for an initial and consecutive year Midpoint Report/RB: An initial report is completed on the first day of a specific month. If a person has beenĀ  counseled, a Midpoint Report/RB is then completed by a caseworker within 2 weeks of the initial Mid-Point Report/RB (the case is redetermined on the third day of that month). Note: An initial report is not a Redetermination. When aĀ  Midpoint Report/RB case is redetermined, the person receives a full Redetermination (see below).Ā  Redetermination: If an Initial Midpoint Report/RB case is redetermined and no redetermination forms are returned to AFDC or SSIĀ  (e.g. a person who is deceased, died while homeless, or died of a drug overdose), then the person now applies forĀ  the State of Illinois'Ā ABE, as their case is redetermined. A redetermination has a red determination number (MR #),Ā  which the person receives in the mail the month after the redetermination date. The person then receives anotherĀ  MR #, which the caseworker submits for the case to the State of Illinois' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) (seeĀ the OMB website). How Long Does My Redetermination Wait? You can determine the length of your redetermination wait by looking at the ā€œRedeterminedā€ or ā€œNot Redeterminedā€ date on the redetermination form you received in the mail after your initial Midpoint Report/RB.Ā  What Is the Difference Between a Redetermination and a Redetermination/Refund? A redetermination is a determination that you should be eligible to receive benefits.

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How to complete any Il 444-2790 online:

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