Good afternoon everyone. I'm Matt Brock, Communications Director here at NCQA. We want to welcome you to this special hangout for the HEDIS 2018 updates and health plan accreditation standards preview. We're really excited about this because we have a great panel with the details on these updates and changes. To my left is Dr. Mary Barton, Vice President of Ance Measurement here at NCQA. Lisa Slattery, Vice President of Accreditation and Recognition Operations, sits next to her. And to Lisa's left is Reyna Ican deca, Assistant Vice President for Product Development. Again, welcome. We're glad you're here. So let's tell you what we have planned for the hour. We're going to start with Dr. Barton to discuss each of the HEDIS updates with some technical details and the intent of each change. Then we'll talk to Lisa Slattery about the changes and what we like to call continuous improvement here in NCQA, the background behind them, and what this year with more changes than average means for the future. We know this makes for some administrative challenges. Finally, we'll talk to Reyna. She's got a sneak peek at what to expect for accreditation standards updates later this month. And now you, the viewer, have a role in all of this too. We will be taking questions via the hangout chat to the right of your screen, or you can email them to We'll try to get to as many as we can in this very short hour. We know all of this impacts your work, and we thought it might be helpful to just present this information in person, in addition to the resources you'll find in the details section of this hangout, just below me on your screen. So let's get started. We're going to start with Dr....
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Dhs-1004 health care coverage supplemental questionnaire Form: What You Should Know
See DHS Guidebook page for further instructions. Information on the Department of Health and Human Services-Department of Development Services website for application guidance and forms. This site covers assistance program information including applications, payment issues, case management, etc. The federal government also has an Application Center on this website. Learn more about Medicaid and Medicaid expansion programs and the application process for Michigan health care assistance programs (MDHHS-2109). It is also the federal government's site for assistance with Medicaid applications. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services administers the federal law known as the Affordable Care Act. For general information about health care, see the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Guide for the Aged, Disabled and Blind and Medicare Guide Health Care Assistance Programs for Individuals with Low or No Income-General Information MI DHS website with application forms and forms and forms by subject categories. Michigan DHS application for Health Care Coverage, which may be filed online or download form to hand the DHS officer at your local DHS office. Michigan Health Coverage Supplemental Questionnaire- MDS — DHS — State of Michigan Application for Health Care Coverage in Michigan — Self-Sufficiency Plan, which may be downloaded to hand the DHS officer at your local DHS office. Learn about the applications for Health Care Coverage; Health Care Supplemental Questionnaire and Health Care Aid in MI. To qualify for the Health Care Supplemental Assistance Program (SAP), participants must meet certain income levels. Participants may register or update information by: (1) contacting a DHS office, (3) completing a DHS application form, (4) contacting a federal agency, (5) sending a secure fax or email notice to DHS or (7) visiting a DHS office. See the federal Help for Eligible Home bound or Disabled Adults Application (HS-3) and the Michigan DHS page. See a summary of benefits programs administered by the Department of Human Services through the Michigan Department of Development Services. State of Michigan Helpers from Without in Mental Health Services (OWNS) and Mental Health and Addiction Services (SHAHS) Mental Health Services. For further information about Mental Health Services, contact the Michigan Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services at: or.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dhs-1004 health care coverage supplemental questionnaire