Hello and thank you for joining this webinar on Health Choice Illinois, the new Medicaid managed care program in Illinois. This webinar is intended for Department of Human Services employees, providers, and other stakeholders. It is organized into two parts. The first and longer part is content developed by the Illinois Department of Health Care and Family Services, which administers Medicaid managed care. The second portion of the webinar will contain some specific content intended for the DHHS audience. So let's begin. Illinois is in the process of launching a new statewide Medicaid managed care program called Health Choice Illinois. The goal of this program is to transition to a streamlined, accountable, and integrated managed care program that delivers member-centric care, enhanced quality, improved outcomes, and sustainable cost. Health Choice Illinois began launching on January 1st, 2018, and it features significant changes to both the populations and the geography that are involved in mandatory managed care. The first major change under Health Choice Illinois is the geography of those affected. The Health Choice Illinois program in Illinois will be statewide. Additionally, the populations that will be enrolled in the managed care service delivery system are expanding. Most managed care populations that had been enrolled previously, including parents and children in the Family Health Plan, Affordable Care Act adults, individuals enrolled in the Integrated Care program, and other individuals enrolled in managed long-term services and supports, will also be enrolled in mandatory managed care under Health Choice Illinois. But Health Choice Illinois will also include some newly eligible populations, including children who are enrolled in Supplemental Security Income, as well as children who receive services from the Division of Specialized Care for Children, as well as the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. An important exception to enrollment under Health Choice Illinois are...
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USCIS.gov Home related information about your case. USCIS: Office of Professional Responsibility The Office of Professional Responsibility (OR) is a division of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EMIR). OR works in partnership with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). OR is an agency within USCIS; it is composed of dedicated officials who are charged with administering the USCIS programs. OR also supervises and directs USCIS officers assigned to the OR Division. USCIS: Office of Appeals OCR's role is to process certain immigration cases that involve issues of public interest, public safety, and national identity. Their cases are processed within the Office of Homeland Security, not the immigration courts. OR's most common caseload includes asylum petitions and refugee cases (Refugee Status), though they also handle other matters such as parole, criminal law, and criminal history. USCIS: Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services The Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (OTIS) is the primary agency that manages all decisions on immigration cases. The OCR is an independent agency within USCIS that makes policies and regulations, including implementing regulations to establish and govern the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services. USCIS: Office of General Counsel and Counsel Management Services (C/CMOS) The NGC assists USCIS with making timely decisions involving immigration matters involving individual federal employees within the Executive Office for Immigration Review. It also coordinates immigration litigation activities and provides counsel for USCIS. USCIS: Office of Management and Budget The U.S. Department of the Treasury, through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is responsible for the federal agency management and day-to-day operation of the USCIS. OMB manages and budgets for immigration, border, border security, and trade, and is responsible for coordinating programs and policies affecting immigration. The OMB also oversees USCIS's development of plans to implement the National Strategy for Trusted Traveler Programs. USCIS: Office of the General Counsel The NGC is an independent OMB civil servant. It is an impartial advisor to OMB, responsible for ensuring policy is designed to advance objectives, in harmony with other OMB and USCIS activities, policy.
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