I continue to receive lots of questions about the Mueller Brass Silcock on my blog, stockvalleys.org. This video is an attempt to answer some of these questions. First of all, there are two types of Silcocks. The more recent one is shown at the bottom of this picture. It has a flanged out connection to the pipe and a metal handle. This type has been around for about a year. The older type had a plastic handle and was not flanged out. The two stems at the top are from an older version. Now, let's try to take one of these apart. First, remove the screw and then the handle. Use a crescent or adjustable wrench to remove the two screw-on pieces, with a washer in between. Take note of the order in which you remove the pieces. Use an adjustable wrench to loosen the second screw-on piece and remove it, followed by removing the stem. If the stem is stubborn, you can tap on it lightly with a pencil for it to come out. The length of the stem with a cartridge attached is the same in both styles of Silcocks, but the cartridges themselves are different. The newer style has a shorter cartridge that looks different. The two top cartridges shown came out of the older style Silcock. The one at the top has a ceramic shut-off, while the one in the middle is made of old brass. When contacting Mueller, make sure to inform them about the style of Silcock you have, so they can send you the appropriate cartridge size. In any case, they should send you an old brass cartridge because the ones with ceramic shut-offs have had issues in the past. Replacing the cartridge is relatively simple. Disconnect it from the stem using the...
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2890 snap Form: What You Should Know
ESN/DSP/DSP/DSP/EI/EI_SP_DSP/DSP_DSP β Electronic Food Information (EFI). 2074-EEI-SS β Electronic Emergency Food Assistance (EFA) Document Verification 2074-EGE β Earnings Verification (EV) for Employment Status β SNAP and EAP.Β 2074-EAEP β Electronic Application and E-Scheduling for Entitlement Program (MVP) β SNAP. 2074-EGE and 2074-EEEP are electronically submitted through the DSS. 2084-ET β Electronic Verification of Non-Qualified Child β SNAP 2075-EA β Entitlement-Endorsement Document. 2085-TANF β Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANK β Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) Supplemental Data File (.pdf or .xls) β Illinois. The form and instructions, state, county, and local services information,Β 2090-G β Qualifying Households (Form 22C) Supplemental Data File (SDF) SEN EX and SNAP (PTC) Form E.1: PTC E-1: Electronic Verification of Non-Qualified Child β SNAP (PTC) β Federal SEN EX (PTC) Form E.1: E-1: Electronic Verification of Non-Qualifying Child β Illinois.Β SEN EX (PTC) Form E-1: 2090: AβNon-Qualifying Child β SNAP.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 2890 snap